This page contains the Iemy text for some rather lengthy
passages spoken by Captain Boots. They were pulled out of line to
improve readability. The idiomatic English text, and the rest of
the episode from which this was excerpted, may be found here.
Captain Boots began,
"Ařt, zb iřunoute yhutyřa ořne boots yřk futa dar, yřfiřafe no ařfyřoa
tyřiiřtyk net; eet tyřihou firirhuař; ořne arnyřv su, fyřity yřfiřafe
no yřufira, iřfu iřrhiifei hařeer ořne arnyřv su, ařteakne ana iřarr,
he ařt."
A literal English translation would read,
"I/We, as(like) descend direct from Boots who Stop Eel, Captain of
Force(armed) Expedite One, is/are require assert; from position my,
inherit captain of vessel; by(caused) power imbue from position my,
mention past, in me"
This is cumbersome no matter how you look at it, and is certainly not
"conversational Iemy". It's extremely formal, or even
stilted. We have unwound the mess into the English shown on the
'Takeoff' page by lifting each prepositional phrase out of its position in
the Iemy and placing it in its natural position in English, while we
retained the "formal" tone by writing it as "formal" English:
"In my hereditary position as Captain of this Vessel, as Direct
Descendant of Boots Eelstopper, Captain of the First Expeditionary Force, and by the power vested in me
by my aforementioned position and heritance, it behooves upon me to
At that point, the Captain switched to Old Iemy (which is even more
formal than he previous rather inflated style) and Isis didn't
understand him, and didn't recall his words. When he switched
back to New Iemy at the end of the speech, she again could follow
him, and has told us what he said. An idiomatic English version of it is on the
'Takeoff' page.
His closing comments, taken line by line, were,
"Asat ytařtlut no yřufira eet isi leatu artouhahař no Yřfiřafe artouhahař, in asat eet no Yřutz."
literally, 'All occupy of ship is/are subordinate under law of Captain legitimate, therefore all is/are of Crew.'
"Fey ařt enařař enz yřutz no iřfitutar,"
literally, 'And I appoint now Crew of Bridge'
"yřk ofi zvtoutey Arv Auhiř Yla fey Uenee Iřutik,"
literally, 'who have during the Trip Duty and Task specific,'
... Note that "
during the trip" is serving the purpose of a time context for the verb "have".
"gey eet fe iřfitutar eet ahařt ene eelig irvhut uenee vlaut tyřiiřtyřa"
literally, 'and be at bridge be when not busy do task other expect'
... which may need a little explanation! The form here is:
<conjunction> <auxilliary1> <object> <verb> <auxilliary2>
where the conjunction is "and", auxilliary-1 is "to be", auxilliary-2
is "expect[ed]", the <verb> is "to be", and the object is "at
bridge". However, there is a prepositional phrase being used as a
time context, which makes this more confusing. It modifies the
second verb "to be":
when not busy do task other -- in more normal English this is "when not busy doing something else".
Following this, the Captain named the bridge crew:
"Ařtyřfehibe aiodir eet Felix Resilleserre, ořne Arkham" --
literally, "Engineer Chief be Felix Resilleserre, from Arkham"
"Iřharna aiodir eet Felicia Vitechat, ořne Arkham" --
literally, "Pilot chief be Felicia Vitechat, from Arkham"
"Foutea aiodir no ibei eet nimnim, ořne Innsmouth" --
literally, "Officer chief of science be Nim-nim, from Innsmouth"
"Foutea aiodir no iřunanyřnar fey ityřlut eet Iehyarj [
Snidly] ořne Britain" --
literally, "Officer chief of protocol and security be Snidly from Britain"
And finally, the Captain added,
"Arn ararfar arfat iřarr hir edy ti yřutz fiihia fey faratuefat no iřfitutar."
Someone name later if need it crew assistant and alternate of bridge.
This last item is in passive voice, but needless to say the "
someone" would actually be the Captain.
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Page created on 1/28/10