You know this already, right? You've seen the
trig functions
defined as power series, and you know the "standard" definitions of cos
as adjacent over hypotenuse and so forth. But do you know what co
means in cosine? And do you know
what arc means in arcsine? And do you know what to do if
you unexpectedly need a trig identity while you're at the beach, far
from your CRC handbook, and you can't remember it?
Basic Definitions
Let's take a
quick look at the unit circle, and see what the basic trig functions
are. They're all just lengths, of course, when the radius of the
circle is one; in that case there are no ratios to worry about.
There are two angles marked in the diagram, 


is the
complementary angle to 
, and
the sine,
cosine, and tangent of

are the
complementary functions
sine (

) = sine of the

cosine (

tangent (

) =

secant (

) =
cosecant (

What about the inverse functions? The
arclength of the

is equal to
theta. So, the
arclength associated with the length of
the sine line, for example, is the same as the angle associated with
it. Hence,
arclength associated with sine value of
= arc of the sine =
arcsine (
x) =

= sine
which is why the inverse trig functions are all called "arc...", unlike
every other inverse function in the universe.
Double-Angle, Angle-Sum, and Half-Angle Formulas
You learned them. I learned them, too. If you're like me
you can't remember them. But, you don't need
to, because they're
all just compositions of rotations, and you
can derive whatever you need from the rotation matrix with very little
effort. And so, all you really need to remember is the form of
a circular rotation.
A rotation of the X-Y plane by θ is given by the matrix:
If we rotate by θ and then by φ the total rotation is by θ+φ, and it's
given by the matrix
But it's also just the composition of the rotation matrix for θ with
the rotation matrix for φ:
So, to find any of the terms in the combined rotation matrix, we just
need to carry out the matrix multiplication. We can read off
That was a
one step derivation.
The double-angle formulas are just special cases of these, so we can
also see immediately that
If you need the half-angle formulas, you can just substitute φ/2 for θ
in the double-angle formulas. The half-angle cos formula is
The sine formula takes some algebra, but is easily derived from the cos
Again, my point is not that you want to go through this exercise
whenever you
do any algebra. Rather, my point is that if you're stuck for an
identity, don't give up -- it's often not that hard to figure them out
scratch. In fact, there's less to remembering the derivation than
there is to remembering the finished formulas.
Other Trigonometric Identities
There are lots of trig identities besides the angle-sum formulas, of
course, and they're almost all hard to remember unless you use them
every day. Obviously, if you're near a
reference book or a computer, if you need one you just look it
up. But if you're stuck,, you can usually pull the simple ones
off a picture using Pythagoras's theorem, and a number of the others
are very easy to derive from the basic ones. In fact, I, at
least, find it a lot easier to recall the
general approach to the derivations than I find it is to recall the
exact formulas. Here are two examples, one trivial, one a little
Suppose you have the sine, and you need the tangent. Just draw a
picture, label the sides so that one of them has the length you know
(the sine, in this case), and you can read off the other functions
But that's pretty trivial, and you could do it in your head.
Here's a harder one.
Suppose you need the derivative of the arctangent, and you just can't
recall what it is. What to do?
Well, you surely recall the derivatives of sine and cosine, even if you
can't recall any others. So rewrite the problem in those terms:
and now just push a "d" operator through it, and use the chain rule and
quotient rule to work it out:
Once the "d"s have gone all the way through, you just need to get the
right one on the bottom. Multiply through by

and you're done:
Oh -- but here we've got a cos(

) in the result,
and all we know is that
x = tan(

Just draw a triangle, read off the conversion, and plug it in:

And we get
Isn't that faster than driving all the way home for a CRC handbook?
Page created in 2004. Minor changes to diagrams, 11/14/06